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A sailing ship docked at the digital pier, with two sailors: Jacob Moura and Matheus Perez. Jacob was a Flutter enthusiast! He started Flutterando, a community focused on sharing knowledge about Flutter.


Admiral Matheus Perez came on board. Another Flutter enthusiast, Matheus closely followed the framework updates, also bringing new ideas about business plans.


The community was gaining more and more prominence in the Flutter world. Jacob and Perez were members and were invited to visit Google's headquarters on 03/12/2018 - a feat earned because of Flutterando.



Companies began to look for the developers from Flutterando, where the need to separate the community from a company to meet these demands was evident. Our sailors exchanged some gold coins for a valuable parchment, which officially marks the opening date of Fteam: 07/07/2019.



Various demands were arising, and our crew was growing, offering more services. We noticed that not always they approached us to create apps - sometimes they needed code review, rewriting an app in Flutter, etc. Therefore, we started training and allocating developers to other companies with Outsourcing.


With the recognition that Flutterando brought to Fteam, Jacob and Perez were invited to speak at Flutter Interact BR, the first event organized by Google in Brazil.



A new port was explored! Once again, we expanded our services and started offering Mentorship for Companies. The developers in our crew were already mentored by our experts, we just adjusted the logistics and started offering customized lessons for companies.



With the demand for mentorship, we noticed that the business market had another need: A complete training to specialize in Flutter . So, we created the Flutter Training for Companies , a more comprehensive course focused on teaching Flutter from scratch. But with a difference: the company could customize the modules as it saw fit.


In addition to the training launch, Fteam expanded its reach to international waters: We closed our first contract outside of Brazil!



Staying committed to always encouraging the Flutter community, Fteam sponsored the Flutter Festival event, organized by Flutterando at the invitation of Google.


The first version of Flutter for Devs was launched! At the time, it followed the same model as Flutter for Enterprises: A complete Flutter course from SCRATCH with LIVE classes between students and mentors. The demand was so high that our crew had to recalculate the course and study a new format to accommodate everyone.



Honoring our commitment to the Flutter community, Fteam sponsored another event: Flutter Brazil - Edition 2022. Organized by Flutterando in partnership with GDG's: Curitiba, Parnaíba, Maringá, Belo Horizonte, and João Pessoa.


Adding more value to Flutter for Enterprises, we launched Dart for Enterprises: Training focused on teaching programming from SCRATCH to corporate teams. With modules that taught everything from Programming Logic to basic Dart concepts.

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